Thursday, December 7, 2006

A Weekend Get-Away, Just Me and Georg

Come morning (Friday), I will be off on a weekend with just me and the dead German idealist, Georg Freidrich; that's Hegel (thoughts of Weekend at Bernies come to mind). Yep, that's right, a weekend away, right here in my own room...sitting at my desk...typing on my computer...endlessly...endlessly, all weekend. Will it EVER STOP?! Oh, Hegel, RELENT!...just go away. Leave me to my Scheler or Ricoeur, Levinas or Ponty. Give me something with meaning; without masses of ambiguity, hidden under the wrinkled blanket of obscurity entitled Phenomenology of Spirit. The impenetrable jargon just clouds the mind, leaving it throbbing like a bad hangover from a real get-away weekend! Well...perhaps that's little over-exaggeration.

The title: "Criticizing Concsiousness: The Subject as Finite in Hegel and Ricoeur." Check my philosophy blog later for a summary if you're interested.

Needless to say, I won't be able to write until I get back! Wish me a safe journey, please!

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